domingo, 3 de maio de 2020

Lockdown has caugt up with me...

... moved from bed to sofa and it took all my energy. Can't seem to hold that silent depressed cry anymore and that's all I feel like doing. Feel useless, haven't managed any of my plans for these weeks and am massively struggling to focus.

I am seen as the strong one so noone really asks 'how are you coping?', it's just a rhetorical greeting. I've checked in with my friends here and abroad, always in that one-way system. Bf is going through quarantine smoothly so I am not sure he notices. Because i still function.

I clean, I cook, I work/volunteer... auto-pilotting my life this last week with this knot in the throat, silencing this despair. Feeling lost, ultimately lost and not being able to brush it off, bounce back. I am free falling into the wallow... 

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